
顏秀娟 教授

(Hsiu-Chuan Yen)





(1) 大學部:臨床毒物學、臨床生化學、細胞生物學、臨床生理學;

(2) 碩士班:粒線體生物醫學及其應用、高等生物技術學;         












研究方向及研究室特色(Lab & Research Interest)

1. 在台灣建立唯一用氣相層析/負離子化學游離質譜儀(gas chromatography/negative-ion chemical-ionization mass spectrometry; GC/NICI-MS)分析之體液、組織或細胞中F2-isoprostanesisofuransF4-neuroprostanes等分子之平台。這些分子為活體中最專一之脂質過氧化指標,而這樣之平台則主要用於研究各式人類疾病或毒物和氧化傷害之關係。目前已和林口長庚醫師合作而應用到此平台的研究主題有蜘蛛膜下腔出血(常見之出血性中風)、頭部外傷、老人癡呆症、除草劑巴拉刈(paraquat)中毒、和鉛(lead/Pb)中毒等。

2. 使用人類細胞株或cybrids,探討內生性coenzyme Q10含量和合成coenzyme Q10所需之人類PDSSCOQ基因和蛋白化壓力或粒線體功能缺失所產生之反應及調控。

3.  建立two-dimensional blue native -polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2D BN-PAGE)技術,鑑定人類細胞粒線體中PDSS和數個COQ蛋白之大分子蛋白複合體,也利用小鼠細胞和小鼠組織來發掘鑑類似蛋白複合體的存在,並進而探討粒線體功能失常時對以上複合體的影響。

4. 惡性類星狀細胞瘤組織之抗氧化酵素變化、內生性coenzyme Q10含量變化、與體細胞粒線體DNA突變之探討。



近年所發表期刊論文(Publications in recent years; updated on 2022/11)

  1. HP Indo, HC Yen, I Nakanishi, KI Matsumoto, M Tamura, Y Nagano, H Matsui, O Gusev, R Cornette, T Okuda, Y Minamiyama, H Ichikawa, S Suenaga, M Oki, T Sato, T Ozawa, D K St.Clair, H J Majima*. A mitochondrial superoxide theory for oxidative stress diseases and aging. Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition, 56: 1-7, 2015.
  2. HC Yen*, HJ Wei, CL Lin. Unresolved issues in the analysis of F2-isoprostanes, F4-neuroprostanes, isofurans, neurofurans, and F2-dihomo-isoprostanes in body fluids and tissue using gas chromatography/negative-ion chemical-ionization mass spectrometry. Free Radical Research, 49: 861-880, 2015.
  3. HC Kuo*, HC Yen, CC Huang, WC Hsu, HJ Wei, CL Lin. Cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers for neuropsychological symptoms in early stage of late-onset Alzheimer's disease. International Journal of Neuroscience, 125: 747-754, 2015.
  4. HC Yen, TW Chen, TC Yang, HJ Wei, JC Hsu*, CL Lin*. Levels of F2-isoprostanes, F4-neuroprostanes, and total nitrate/nitrite in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid of patients with traumatic brain injury. Free Radical Research, 49: 1419-1430, 2015.
  5.  HJ Majima*, HP Indo, I Nakanishi, S Suenaga, K Matsumoto, H Matsui, Y Minamiyama, H Ichikawa, HC Yen, CL Hawkins, MJ Davies, T Ozawa, DK St Clair. Chasing great paths of Helmut Sies “Oxidative Stress”. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 595, 54-60, 2016.
  6. HC Yen*, YC Liu, CC Kan, HJ Wei, SH Lee, YH Wei, YH Feng, CW Chen, CC Huang. Disruption of the human COQ5-containing protein complex is associated with diminished coenzyme Q10 levels under two different conditions of mitochondrial energy deficiency. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-General Subjects, 1860: 1864-1876, 2016.
  7. HC Yen*, CL Lin, BS Chen, CW Chen, KC Wei, ML Yang, JC Hsu, YH Hsu. Alterations of the levels of primary antioxidant enzymes in different grades of human astrocytoma tissues. Free Radical Research, 52: 856-871, 2018.
  8. HC Yen*, WY Yeh, SH Lee, YH Feng, SL Yang. Characterization of human mitochondrial PDSS and COQ proteins and their roles in maintaining coenzyme Q10 levels and each other’s stability. Biochim Biophys Acta-Bioenergetics, 2020:148192, 2020.
  9. HC Yen*, BS Chen, SL Yang, SY Wu, CW Chang, KC Wei, JC Hsu, YH Hsu, TH Yen, CL Lin*. 2022 February. Levels of coenzyme Q10 and several COQ proteins in human astrocytoma tissues are inversely correlated with malignancy. Biomolecules, 12: 336, 2022.
  10. TH Yen, CW Chang, HR Tsai, JF Fu, HC Yen*. Immunosuppressive therapies attenuate paraquat-induced renal dysfunction by suppressing inflammatory responses and lipid peroxidation. Free Radic Biol Med 191: 249-260, 2022.

負責作者(corresponding author)


(Please find other previous publications on lab webpage.)

