
Lauren Kaushansky客座講師

現職: 美國紐約州立大學石溪分校(SUNY Stony Brook) 講師

學歷: 美國加州大學洛杉磯分校學士與美國安提阿大學教育碩士

信箱: lauren.kaushansky@gmail.com

研究相關連結: https://www.stonybrook.edu/commcms/dtale/faculty/lkaushansky.php


在過去的15年中,Lauren Kaushansky一直擔任大學和研究生課程的教授。作為教育領域的先驅,她持續不斷地發展課程,包括多層次的活動、互動和研究。Kaushansky致力於透過資助機會、組織協助和社區合作夥伴關係來支持教師,同時推動學生個人和職業的成長與發展。她堅持的教學目標是在大學層面實施嚴謹而具有挑戰性的課程。


  1. Hunt, Lydia, Nicholas Tkach, Lauren Kaushansky, and Lisa Benz Scott. Analysis of an Interprofessional Experiential Learning Program Utilizing the Case of Henrietta Lacks. Pedagogy in Health Promotion, Aug. 2019, p. 1 – 9. doi:10.1177/2373379919875750. Online.
  2. Kaushansky, Lauren, Deborah Boudreau, and Carla Keirns. Is there a Doctor in the House? Students Explore Home, History, and the Evolution of Medicine. Journal of Museum Education, Volume 41, Number 1, Pages 52 – 58. 08 February 2016. Online.
  3. Kelso, Elizabeth and Lauren Kaushansky. “The Living Book Project: A Portrait of Collaboration.” English Journal. Volume 103, No. 3, January 2014. Print.
  4. Kaushansky, Lauren. “Reviving Ben Franklin’s Junto Club”, Democracy and Education, 14 (3), 2002. Print.
  5. 33 poems published in numerous literary journals.
  6. 24 plays directed and produced on various stages